Saturday, April 22, 2023

What is military time chart

military time chart is an efficient and uniform way of expressing time for the military, aviation, and certain medical personnel. It is also known as a 24-hour clock or 24-hour timekeeping system. As opposed to the regular 12-hour clock that many people use, the military time chart uses a 24-hour format, where midnight (0000 hours) is denoted at 00:00 and noon (1200 hours) is denoted at 12:00. This standard ensures that even though different nations may have slightly different times, these times can still be accurately communicated between professionals in various industries who utilize the chart.

The military time chart consists of two sets of digits, where the first two digits denote the hour and the last two refer to minutes. For example, 4 p.m on a 12-hour clock is denoted 16:00 on a military time chart since it is in the 16th hour of the day. Similarly, 5:15 AM would be written as 0515 hours on a military time chart. The time is also expressed by an "H" for "hours" indicating whether it is in an ante meridiem (AM) or post meridiem (PM) cycle following midnight and noon respectively.

Sometimes a colon separator may also be used between hours and minutes to express the same information more clearly such as in 0445 hours / 04:45 or 1710Z/ 17:10Z for Zulu Time which follows UTC greenwich mean time for Internationalization purposes especially when dealing with multiple nations' operations..

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